
I'm Mario Roberto

Odoo Dev & Mobile Dev

Mario Roberto

Odoo Dev & Mobile Dev

I am a passionate developer with experience in Odoo and Android. My focus is on creating effective and efficient business solutions, as well as system integration to optimize processes. I am constantly looking for new ways to improve and am committed to continuous learning to stay on top of the latest technologies and trends in software development.

  • From: El Salvador, CA
  • Lives In: Ilopango, San Salvador, SV
  • Gender: Male
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  • 2023
    Android Application Developer

    Self-taught in constant learning of new technologies, both in Platzi and at a general level.

  • 2020 - 2021
    Tec. Ing. en Sistemas y Redes
    Gerarrdo Barrios University

    Graduated Professional, constantly updated


  • 2024 - Now
    Software Developer Mobile and Odoo

    - Mobile Application Developer

    (Jetpack Compose - Kotlin Multiplatfrom)

    - Managed Backend Implementation


    - Odoo Development

    - Support for Custom Proprietary and Third Party Modules

    - Odoo Server Administration and Deployment

    - IT Support for Internal and External Users.

  • 2022 - 2023
    Odoo Developer and IT Support
    Grupo Treming

    - Odoo Module Development

    - Report Creation

    - Support for Proprietary and Third-Party Custom Modules

    - Server Administration and Deployment

    - IT Support to Internal and External Users

    - Implementation of automation of configuration of Invoice formats and others.

  • 2022
    Android Developer
    Buffet ProEvent

    Native Android App Development and Maintenance, Buffet App


What can i do?

Odoo Developer

Development, maintenance and migration of Odoo Modules v14, 15, 16 and 17

Android Developer Native

XML and Kotlin Native

Mobile Developer Multiplatform

Jetpack-Compose and Kotlin Multiplatform

IT support

Computer support, maintenance and repair of computer equipment and others